![]() It is difficult to realise until it is sometimes too late how out of balance our life can get. Sometimes the only clue is illness or anxiety and by then we are way past heading it off at the pass. It is possible to stay in touch with yourself and catch when you are heading for that fall. It is no surprise if I tell you that anything that connects you to your physical body is the perfect way to keep in touch with the subtle message your Soul is giving you. Honour your body and you will have perfect mind, body, soul balance. Being in touch with your body is not only about diet and exercise. Have you considered meditation. When we meditate mindfully we connect to the ebb and flow of energy in and out of the physical body. At the beginning we might experience the physical aches and pains but when you become more practiced at it you learn to rise above this and access the higher planes and the auric bodies. It is here that you can learn to access vital energetic body changes before they manifest in the physical world. It is not a cure all, that is not for us to promise, however I can, however, guarantee an intimate connection to the subtle shifts in your physical and auric fields. Your body is balanced when you know intuitively what it needs. Your mind is balance when your connection to the shifts gives you control over your life. Your Soul is balanced because you are eternally connected to the greater power of Spirit. Being connected to this greater power gives you the strength to walk your path and be confident in the choices you’ve made. With Love, Vicki xx psychic readings Tarot Reading School Crystal Reiki Past Life Regression Therapy Soul rEvolution Meditation.
With Love,
Vicki xx psychic readings crystal reiki past life regression therapy tarot reading school There is much said and written about childhood trauma, inner child work and rebirthing. We experience this trauma in two ways, the Soul Self and, the Physical World and I think it can be difficult to reconcile any childhood trauma because when we have the emotional maturity to process the event, that event is too far away to look at objectively. We’ve already created a belief system and a set of survival tools and it is frightening to let them go. In it’s destructive form the wounded child prevents us from expressing our magical child. In it’s positive sense the experiences can create resilience and compassion within us.
I have found, in my own time as a healer and in my own life, that healing wounded child trauma is such a personal experience and no one modality is a cure all. I also understand that sometimes it takes a lifetime to reconcile. I have worked with many teachers and healers over the years, I have plumbed the depths of my own trauma and this is how I explain the process. Childhood trauma is stored in the base chakra. It comes from family, ancestral and DNA patterns that are repeated and passed on. We do not always take on all the ancestral behaviours however we respond to those that resonate with our personality and our Soul contracts. We cannot destroy the memory or the trauma. They are with us for life because they are embedded in our collective psyche. It is important to recognise when you are traumatising yourself, judging yourself and being generally horrible to yourself, that you are reinforcing this embedded belief. The good news is that while you cannot banish the experience you can detach and reconcile yourself from the emotions that are trapped in the body and the mind. It is simple and complex. When you deeply connect to your soul you really get to know the real you. When you are able to fully accept all the elements of your personality and become your own best friend it makes it easier to recognise when those emotions or patterns bubble up. This type of cycle is called conscious consciousness. In this state you will feel the response, recognise the response, make a conscious decision about your reaction and act accordingly. Sometimes we have a win and sometimes we have a relapse. You will thrive and regain control of your life, your emotions, your creativity and your spark of joy for life. It is achievable and worth the effort you put in. P.S. please remember this process may take many lifetimes. Compassion, forgiveness and gratitude are the outcomes of this process. You can’t force them they are states of being, you become them. With love, Vicki xx psychic readings crystal reiki past life regression therapy spiritual counselling Tarot Reading School ![]() Health and indulgence abounds with this weeks card. By drawing on the power of the queen you have the opportunity to indulge your senses. Enjoy good food and wine, make sure you spoil yourself. Colours are important. Whatever you are wearing will boost your energy so lots of orange, red and yellow if you are feeling a little sluggish, softer blues and greens if you are needing some nurturing, purple and whites if you need connection to your intuition, gold if you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. The queen has a message for you: be mindful of taking care of yourself this week, be a little bit indulgent and selfish. You have energy to spare and while it is nice to help those in need, be discerning. There are those in your aura who must remain within their discomfort for soul growth. They are not your responsibility, even if you have energy to spare. You have love and compassion, however this does not require sacrifice, at this time. So, enjoy life’s pleasures, this energy will soon be at an end but you will have created some beautiful memories. With Love, Vicki xx psychic readings tarot readings reiki past life regression therapy tarot masterclass tarot reading school meditation ![]() I have been reading Tarot cards for more than 25 years and it was only last year that I had a deep spiritual understanding of their role in my life. You see… I had always thought of them as tools, cards, something I used when I did a reading for a client. I had one of those Aha moments recently when I finally understood the real magic of owning and building a personal relationship with my Tarot cards and it was so profound that it still blows my mind! I'll never forget the first deck of tarot cards I picked up. I still have them!! When I got them I religiously memorised the meanings, I followed the directions and I fell in love. Over the years my relationship with the Tarot has gone through a transformation, much like any personal relationship. I have fallen in and out of like with the cards but they have always remained a constant for me, a stability. Do you know why? It's because they have always spoken the truth and held me to account for the choices I’ve made but not once have they let me down. If anything the Tarot has driven me to be a better person. Learning the Tarot has taught me how to communicate with people and my guides. The Tarot has taught me empathy and compassion. In all this time I have finally understood the relationship I have with the Tarot reflects the relationship I have with my Soul, my Intuition. When I have been alone, lost and wandering, when I could not feel the connection with my guides or inner wisdom, the Tarot has been there, the constant that formed the bridge I needed. To know in my heart that I am never alone. The Tarot will always reflects my true self. That is why sometimes I don’t like the card I choose. When I work with students I encourage them to use the Tarot as an Holistic Tool. Look at the meaning, use the image, colours, symbols, and archetypes to invoke the power within. These days with all the noise of the digital world and the overwhelm of the 24 hour news cycle it is difficult to spend time to do the inner work and I can certainly relate to that. I am here to pass on a message from your inner guidance, your Soul, your Higher Self, “make a commitment to a regular practice that keeps you in constant connection with Spirit.” I discovered mine many years ago and only now can I appreciate it's special place in my heart. I now know my place in the Universe. If you love the Tarot and want to take your practice to the next level I have several pathways to help you discover your personal reading style. I offer meditation practice, Tarot Masterclass and a Tarot Practitioner course and would love to open up the world of Tarot for you too. With love, Vicki xx Tarot School Psychic Reading Reiki Past Life Regression Meditation ![]() Sometimes all you feel is that the effort you put in is just enough. You want more but you have no energy, so it is just that…enough, no more, no less. This is not a satisfying feeling when you want it to be special, extraordinary, a reflection of your special skills. Your message - you are enough. Are you certain about your position right now? Is what is on offer too good to be true? You are right to be cautious, you are falling into an old behaviour pattern. Soon you will be right back where you started. Your message - be bold, be ready to make a change. You are sliding into a comfort zone that no longer fits. Using 3 wands to clear the energy Use the fire and 3 energy to bring a little lightheartedness and fun into your life right now. Some light distraction will prevent you from getting too bogged down in minor details. With love, Vicki xx Psychic Readings Reiki Tarot Coaching Spiritual Wellbeing Working as a psychic and healer does not make me spiritual, living my faith makes me spiritual and I think one of the toughest lessons was the opening of my heart. I lived more honestly and the path towards self awareness became much easier. The Closed Heart is not something I was aware of, not until the opening commenced. Someone once said to me the depth of grieving is in direct relation to the depth of the love one felt for the other. The depth of the pain when visiting the trauma is also equal to the magic of the opening. In time and as is the case when you do this work, the clients I was seeing were presenting with similar stories. And again I am reminded of some wisdom a teacher once said. We do not have the same stories but we share the same emotions. While we share the same emotions the suffering is relative to the experience, there is no big or small here. As I worked with my clients I witnessed the energy of spirit healing the trauma and bring peace. However, there were some exceptions. Some clients would be having great results but in time returning with the same story from a different life event and I noticed there was an emerging pattern of behaviour. I started to have some doubts about the methods I used so I meditated, connected to Spirit and asked the questions of my guides. In time I was shown the inner working for each Soul, what it meant for my clients and I had some insight for my own self as well (love it when that happens). Let me preface the next part with a little explanation about my methods. When I am given insight to a particular condition it is shown to me in a way that I can relate to. This in turn allows me to give some peace of mind to my clients as I can describe it in a way that makes it relatable. The closed heart does not know it is closed, not closed in the sense of not working, more there was a protective case surrounding it. You don’t know about this because over time you adjust your behaviour to fit the protection. When you have healed enough to feel safe enough to feel again, something will happen to activate the heart and your feelings. Those feelings can come slowly or they can spill out so quickly that it is difficult to catch your breath. It is the spill that brings people to me for guidance. I see the beauty of the spill, the perfection of the opening and the compassion for the confusion. The heart connects to love for another and the picture I see in their aura is one of an explosion. A hole where the heart chakra sits which is so destructive that it cannot be repaired. This is the beauty I see. The client is so ready for love that they must have the heart opened in such a way that they cannot close it down again. I was shown, by Spirit, that this is by design. It is difficult because in most circumstances a new relationship cannot move forward. Either or both parties are in relationships, one or both parties are still living their trauma and are not able to give their attention fully at this moment or the other party is playing hot and cold with the client and causing confusion. These examples are the most common and there are many more ways which all lead to the same place. The heart is open, the feelings are spilling over and the feelings of ecstasy and sorrow ebb and flow. It is not pleasant and I personally used to think how unfair it was (my victim at play). The perfection is the method applied by your own soul. It is designed so that you must access your deepest wisdom to bring balance back to your life. You are kept in discomfort so you will seek the perfect way back to your higher self and thus continue your soul journey. The compassion comes when I see you as a client you are lost in the beauty of this perfect emotion you are feeling. The first time you feel the explosion it is pure and amazing, you want that all the time but that is not possible. It is designed to bring your attention to your own needs and the generating of the power you need to live your best life and find the love that truly loves you heart and soul. It is that simple. My work consists of helping the client understand this. They may perceive the other party as their forever person because it was this person that woke the dormant heart. Unless each person is clear to pursue the relationship, it is never destined to continue. You were brought together for this specific purpose, that is all. Once you have mastered your emotions, you will find the relationship you need to evolve as the beautiful soul you are. So, this is what I have observed and if the above resonates, you might just be in one of these next situations…
These are some examples of situations you may find yourself in when the closed heart is activating again. The Self feels uncomfortable and constantly searches for ways to satisfy the feelings or shut them down again. Neither will happen, you learn, or should I say relearn, to love. The heart lives in it’s true power and makes choices for your souls highest good. That is the gain here. You can experience the cycle of love and loss many times. It is not always a one off experience. In these times you gain such strong self awareness of what love is for you that your life becomes pure joy, even during the down times. The active or open heart is one of the strongest allies you can have, it is where true compassion is lived. With love Vicki xx Psychic Readings Reiki Past Life Regression Medical Medium Access Bars Tarot For Self Awareness The Soul knows the perfect relationship you need for your growth. There are many common patterns I see with those who are experiencing this disruption and I am going to discuss some of these over the next couple of weeks.
The Sensitive Heart Have you ever experienced that moment where you realise you are in a relationship that is going nowhere? In that moment do you move away from it and cut your losses? No, you double down and hang in there, waiting for it to get better. It never does though, does it? This I call the perfection of the sensitive heart. Your heart recognises another heart that shares your possibilities, your dreams and potential. You meet a kindred spirit. The reflection also shows you common struggles and pain. It is through this connection that you realise, in your heart, that healing of your past is possible. The relationship becomes the anchor for the Soul to expand and grow and it is glorious. We see the beauty of our future and strive with all our heart to attain that. When the relationship has served its purpose it begins to degrade but the sensitive heart clings to the dream, the possibilities of the other heart. They can psychically sense the other heart, know what is possible, stay and wait for them to realise it too, forgive the other hearts bad behaviour and reward that bad behaviour with loving patience. All because the hearts are in constant connection. They communicate in a different language. What the sensitive heart fails to recognise, though, is the human behaviour. We are born with all this beautiful potential and the opportunities to realise them. The Soul brings us together to help each other reach that potential. If each of you use this time together for this growth, you move forward together. If only one heart grows, one must leave the other behind in order to evolve. This is heartbreaking for the sensitive heart. Most times the only way to end the suffering is to make the break. I have experienced so much heartbreak in my own lifetime that the trauma will still rise and catch me off guard. I struggled with the concepts of how could this be good for my growth when it seems so damaging to my psyche. In the past that trauma did define me, it became my story. However, I slowly began to realise how damaging this victim behaviour is to the Soul. Once I became conscious of this behaviour I went through a process of blaming myself then blaming “the other”, angry with myself then angry with “the other” and finally I surrendered to the perfect process it was. I see a lot of clients when there is disruption within their relationships and I must admit, in the past, I was caught in my own emotional responses. I had to be careful that they did not influence the readings and healings. I certainly felt empathy with them and it was through these sessions that I slowly began to comprehend the beauty in the process of connection and separation. It is the perfect opportunity to really know ourselves…when we are courageous enough to live in our sensitive heart. Our vulnerability becomes our greatest strength and being vulnerable is not being weak, it is being honest. You cannot experience suffering when you are living your truth so utilise your relationships to understand and accept your true self. We do our best Soul growth within relationships. Our relationships reflect us. I am talking about all types of relationships, love, friendship, family, pets and even the one off chats with random people we meet within our day…all relationships. Relationships are the only way we can evolve our Soul. Even if it looks like you are moving backwards, attracting people with the same behaviour patterns or same personalities, you are moving forward. It’s incremental, but it is still growth. As I’ve discussed in previous blogs, we do attain the conscious awareness we need to make effective decisions for ourselves, eventually. When it is happening it makes no sense, of course, and when I am working with them I am always looking for common triggers, responses and patterns. It is very difficult for them to be detached in the moment and that is why a Psychic Reading and Past Life Regression are perfect. With Love Vicki xx Psychic Readings Reiki Past Life Regression Medical Medium Access Bars Tarot For Self Awareness
Reincarnation is an integral part of Indian Religion and has been for thousands of years. Reincarnation translates from Latin meaning “entering the flesh again.” It is based on the concept that the Soul continues to exist after death and after a time re-enters life to live again on the Earth. The ways to reincarnate are many and there are variations even within the religions that teach it. It is believed the Soul can return as a human, animal, plant, a Spirit or even exist in another dimension separate from our own reality. Religions such as Hinduism believes there is a Soul where Buddhism does not believe a Soul/Self exists. There are too many variations to list here but the basic premise is that as a human we have lessons in our time here to reach the ultimate goal where the Soul no longer has to be reborn, we return to the Source. Karma There are so many ways to describe Karma that it is difficult to define. There is the belief that Karma is the result of cause and effect. If you do something good you will accumulate good Karma and if you do something bad this will accumulate bad Karma. Another belief is that is no absolute good or bad and therefore it is difficult to define someone as totally bad or good because we display these qualities in varying degrees throughout our lives. Another belief states that if someone acts in a way that causes another’s suffering but without the intent to cause suffering then Karma is non-existent. Another belief is that Karma can be instant or played out over many lifetimes. These are just a few. The role of the belief of Karma is to put the responsibility of action upon the individual so they may regulate their place in the afterlife. Samsara Samsara refers to “wandering” or “cyclic change.” Because of the concept that man does not act from a place of wholly bad or wholly good, we usually have shades of both, Samsara was introduces as a sort of Heaven or Hell where the Soul would wait and create enough good Karma to be able to be born as human again. Dharma Again, the meaning of Dharma is varied but my understanding of the word is similar to the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. Dharma means where something is “fixed” or “law” and to me this means that we are never wholly downtrodden nor living in full bliss. The wheel of life must turn, it never stays still and depending where you are on the wheel, things will always change. Change is the constant. Life Between Lives Sometimes we remain in the Soul state instead of reincarnating. Often when you meditate or have a vision you would be connecting to the time you were in this disincarnate state. In this state you have direct access to your Soul group and your reasons for incarnation during any lifetime. Also, you can receive a healing or blessing around a certain situation. You have not missed some mystic sign, you can communicate with your guides and your intuition is switched on 24/7. You are Spirit. You are living energy. You are a part of the natural cycle of the Earth. What happens is called life and how you react to your life is your choice, you have the power.. If you want to take back control and live your best life then begin with some Self Awareness training. If you're not sure where to start then I invite you to contact me. I have a range of modalities to assist you to find your own way and I am only too happy to assist you, With love Vicki xx Psychic Readings Reiki Energy Healing Tarot Readings Coaching Past Life Regression Therapy
What is the “reason”?
For Self: Looking for the reason why, in yourself, is an easy way to self blame. How many hours/days have you looked and asked and soul searched for that answer only to turn your frustration inwards when nothing makes sense. For Others: It is an excuse to shift a perceived responsibility you feel. It can also be a form of bullying, victim blaming. Why am I so focused on solutions? For Self: It is a way to pretend you are “doing something” about your problems. This constant search increases your anxiety and uses up your precious energy. It steals your life. For Others: You and I are human. We have empathy and feel the distress of our loved ones. You want that discomfort to go away and can unconsciously blame the other person for making you feel like that. How is there a cycle of distress, anxiety, self soothing and self loathing? We are uncomfortable, we want to feel safe. There is a perception that anxiety is the enemy so we do whatever we can to suppress it. We need to rationalise everything! We are blamed when we are struggling with life and there is a fear we will be rejected if our struggle becomes a perceived problem for those around us. Lots of different circumstances bring us to the point of “Aboutism” Where can I help myself? Feeling anxious? Name the emotion, accept the emotion, feel the emotion. Do not attach a story or memory, just let it be an emotion. It will pass. This requires practice, patience and self awareness. You also receive the benefit of actually getting to know and truly like yourself. Find the support that supports you during this process. Someone who just listens. If YOU don’t have an immediate insight then the timing is out, there is more to experience. Seeking a psychic will give you your karmic contract and the energy around the situation as well as outcomes. In my experience, both personally and professionally, it very rarely ends the issue. Psychic readings are supporting the process, it does not take it away or allow you to control the out of control. The healing and coaching I do provides the stillness you require to soothe the psyche during your personal growth process. Sometimes, with readings and healings, there is spontaneous healing, sometimes it takes the time it takes. It is all part of your Karma, the contract you came here to fulfil. From My Heart... Doing healing and psychic work I always felt an obligation to provide all the answers and if I couldn’t then I was not worthy. Using broad statements like “Aboutism” is counterproductive to true healing. Life always provides the backdrop and the Soul knows the way. When you come to see me I am your support. Your answers and way always lie within. I hold you in the stillness of your Soul while you access your Wisdom. You always hold the ultimate Power of your journey. My privilege is to be in that space while you do. With love Vicki xx |
AuthorInsights I have gathered from my life experiences. Profound messages from my connection with Spirit. Archives
April 2024