So let’s look at the elements of change as a Spiritual being… Risk assessment Resistance to change comes from fear of the unknown. Those of you who know how to manage change have mastered the fear. That mastery does not kick in for every occasion though, so there is always a moment or two where you must assess the risks. Always check in with your intuition vs your instinct. Energy Reserves You need energy to facilitate a seamless change. It is necessary to stop and assess life when change is on the horizon, especially if you are feeling anxious about it. Often we are involved in many dramas or projects that are not for our highest good. So stop for a minute and do a stocktake. What is draining you in this moment? Will you let that go? Is it even yours to fix? Is it mine? You might have other events that have exhausted your energy reserves. Ask yourself, do I need to be involved here? It doesn’t mean you never help or be of comfort to friends and family however when you are in the middle of a change this is not where your energies are best spent. Be honest and walk away from energy draining situations. **This relates to Karmic Debt which I will talk about in another blog. What do I do? So many factors can interfere with our transition through change. You need maximum energy and focus to facilitate change. It is not always reasonable to assume you will have the energy or the focus required, however, when faced with change you have an opportunity to clear the deck. Assess, what can you let go of right now? Is something taking your precious energy? How do I manage in limbo? Stay focused on your needs. Look after yourself. Learn to hear your intuition. If you’re not sure how to do that, here is a link to a FULL BODY MEDITATION. Your body is your link to intuition. Let your thoughts flow but you do not always have to follow them. They are not always telling you the truth. Find your support system, your tribe. You will know them. They boost your energy, not drain it. Above all, remember, this limbo is not forever. The wheel always turns. And when it does, you will be ready. Why a strong connection with the Power of Spirit is so important right now Soul knows the change and has made the adjustment already. The discomfort you feel is the misalignment of mind and emotional bodies. This discomfort is what gets us moving towards realignment and The Universe provides the situations to help us. With each experience you lift your vibration. Old beliefs, emotional attachments to memories and sometimes, even physical pain, dissolves. After this healing experience your Soul, Mind and Body realign, stronger, wiser. You are ready for the next step. This cycle repeats itself constantly throughout your life. Accepting this fact helps you to make those transitions as smooth as possible.
With Love
Vicki xx
Sometimes inspirational signs or writing come along at just the right time… They make me stop and think about my own world view. Once upon a time I would fear my negative thoughts. I was very afraid they would have an immediate effect and my energy, my Soul, my aura would all be tainted. I was in constant fear I would push my spiritual development backwards. I fought hard to make myself more forgiving, compassionate and grateful. Do you know what happened?… I ended up keeping the terrible people and damaging situations close by until I was able to heal the uncomfortable feelings. Pfftt, never going to happen. I was trying to control others rather than looking honestly at myself. I finally realised that keeping the damaging people and situations close by was doing the very thing I was trying to avoid. I was crippling myself, physically, mentally and spiritually. So, I went back to the drawing board… I put down the books I was reading. (which is where a lot of misinformation was coming from). I let go of the teachers and mentors that kept me in a state of fear (it was in their best interests to victimise others to feel power). I talked to my guides, I communed with my Soul, my inner wisdom, found more compassionate teachers and discovered my own path. Which was lucky because… One day I was in a situation where I could not reconcile my circumstances and the damaging negative thoughts came thick and fast. I was hating the people who had power over me. They were using their positions of power to bully me and no amount of compassion, forgiveness or gratitude brought a resolution. I was more terrified of my negative thoughts than the bullies. The affirmations, protective bubbles and loving thoughts were useless, plus pushing the thoughts down was making me physically sick. I am an adaptor. If I find myself in a difficult relationship or job, I adapt. People who are psychic, sensitive, empathic know what I’m talking about. We know how to read the room and we think we can control the room. Before you know it, you are floored. I needed a new strategy… I remember a distant healing technique I’d learned and I adapted it to this situation. I created an energy vortex coming from my crown chakra and sent my thoughts, all the ugly ones, to the Spirit world. Effectively, I had surrendered my need to control the bullies and let the energy of Spirit do the heavy lifting on this one. It worked a treat. So what happened?… As in all situations where I have felt this powerless, the Universe was reminding me it was time to move on. So, I surrendered the whole situation, the way forward was revealed to me and all I had to do was step into the opportunities that magically turned up. A lot was taken out of my hands and the best possible outcome occurred. Mind you… I still had to make the decisions and take responsibility for those decisions but with the power of Spirit backing me, the way was crystal clear. I moved on from the job, money came from all angles and opened up the opportunity to work as a psychic and healer full time. My dream job. So here’s the verse, attributed to Lao Tzu, I came across that gave words to this process. Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
I’ll say it again…
YOU GET TO CHOOSE. How fabulous is that. Life is not out of your hands, it is your life, not Spirits, not your teachers or gurus, and definitely not your friends and family. One last point. Forgiveness, Gratitude and Compassion are not things you can make yourself do. Sometimes you are in a place where you need to feel unforgiving, angry and selfish in order to move into a more healing heart space. Forgiveness, Gratitude and Compassion are states of being, not doing. You evolve into these states and act without a second thought. When I hear someone say to me they must be more forgiving when they’re clearly angry or I’m don’t like this situation but I’m grateful for the experience or I must be more compassionate then put treat themselves as if they don’t matter, I remind them that these feelings of anger, resentment and shame must be expressed so they may move forward. If you do not experience the so called “negative” feelings you will never know Forgiveness, Gratitude or Compassion in their fullness. They wait for you on the other side. I absolutely recommend using the exercise of the Crown Chakra Vortex as a way of transmuting your troubling thoughts. Or, you could use the Morning Pages which I have up on my website, just CLICK HERE for the link. With Love Vicki xx I don’t subscribe to the idea of “manifesting” but I do love Vision Boards… Vision boards are wonderful tools for focus. Once created they are not something pretty to look or to grant wishes. The are the beginning of something creative. So, lets do something a bit different here this week and explore some processes using a Vision Board to help you find your Big Picture. Materials you might need: It doesn’t have to be a board on the wall. You can use things like a book or even your phone or computer. The only criteria I am going to insist on is that you can add a picture or two. So find something that will suit you. Here are some suggestions… -project cardboard (always a favourite), cork board, magnetic board, journal, exercise book, A4/5 -glue, magnets, pins for a corkboard -colouring pencils/pens, decorations (glitter, material, coloured paper) -pictures or drawings (a must), a visual aid Make a list of all the things you think you would like right now or in the future… Don’t hold back, make it a long list if you like, because this is the first part of the process. Leave your list for a day or so and revise it. Leave it another couple of days and revise again. Every time you revisit your list, look at what you would like to add or subtract. You could even meditate on the list, see what takes your fancy. You could even use the process I talked about in LAST WEEKS BLOG to decide what is important to you. It is necessary to find what is important because when the going gets a little tough you will use the connection to your Big Picture to keep you on track. Next, prioritise your list… Sort your list into Be Do Have. Is this something you want to BE, is this something you want to DO, or is this something you want to HAVE? This will help your subconscious begin to work out how to make it happen for you. **I want to take a breath here and remind you to constantly revise your list and become as specific as you can about what it looks like. It doesn’t matter if it is still a bit vague though, let things simmer** Then, create… Put together your Vision Board. Stick on your poster or make a picture book, make it look inviting. There is no right or wrong way to build a Vision Board. Colours, different textures, positioning. This process helps you bond with your ideas, helps you fall more in love with them. This is the intuitive part… Take time to look/visit your Vision Board every morning and night. Look and allow the feelings of satisfaction this gives you. EVERY MORNING AND EVERY NIGHT. See yourself in the picture and let yourself FEEL what it will be like when you have succeeded. It is easier to stay committed if you can remember how something feels rather than intellectualise it. Ask yourself every time “Is this still my dream, my Big Picture?” **adjust your Vision board accordingly and if you think something needs a tweak, do that** Surrender… Surrender the process and outcome to your Objective Mind, just let it go. Allow the Divine Power that works with you to adjust your life experiences so they align with your dreams. Allow your Self to be open to shifts and changes in your surroundings, your beliefs, your attitudes and your perspective. Be prepared to let go of the old, make way for the new. Let the Power of Spirit move you through difficult choices and support you when you are ready to step into the new. When the time is right you will know when to act because you would have done the preparation. If you have any doubts or questions, meditate on them, day dream, check in to your heart. The answers will come to you intuitively, in your dreams or as inspiration. You must give it time. Sometimes our dreams may take days, weeks, months, years. Just remember, they happen in the time that suits your Soul Journey. It is uncomfortable. Sometimes your life will change, this prepares you for it but the decision is still up to you. There are never any rights or wrongs here, you cannot make a mistake or miss an opportunity. Just letting yourself dream about something you know will lift you is a lift to the Soul. Experiment with it. Test it out. Adjust accordingly. Have fun!
Do you know what you love? How to use your chakras to move your ideas from inspiration to reality…
Now for your next big idea…. No time like the present...GO FOR IT!!!
AuthorInsights I have gathered from my life experiences. Profound messages from my connection with Spirit. Archives
April 2024